Adult Specialty Driving Packages

Collision Recovery

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Getting back on the road following an incident can be a trying experience. This package includes a Collision Recovery Assessment and 2 Hours of private driver training to get you going again.

Collision Recovery $379


  • Private Instructor Meeting
  • Collision Recovery Assessment
  • 2 Hours Private Driver Training

Custom Driving Instruction

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For those with special needs or unique requests, SafeWay is prepared to develop a customized driver training program to help.
Custom Rate

Senior Driver Tune-Up

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Keep your driving skills sharp by polishing up on your training and learning the latest in road rules and traffic safety. These are not the roads you grew up on!

Senior Tune-Up $429


  • Private Instructor Meeting
  • One Hour Driving Simulator
  • Senior Driver Assessment
  • One Hour Private Driver Training
  • Tune-Up Recommendations

View More Senior Driving Packages