Advertising Proposal Information Form

Contact Info

*Media/Company Name:

Address 2:





Proposal Info

Concept Title:
*Proposed Dates:

*Describe Concept:

*Describe the impact you think this will have on SafeWay Driving Centers:

*Why do you think SafeWay Driving Centers will be a good fit for this concept? (Please don’t tell us you have a child in our school. While we appreciate that more than you know, everyone lists that reason!)

*Do you see any way to tie "driving" or "driver safety" into the event?

*Will there be any other driving schools participating or promoted at your event?

If so, please list:

Attach Document/Proposal

If you would like to add a .pdf or link for presentation purposes please do so here.

Note: We will do our best to get back to you within an hour. Thank you.