Message to Adult Children

We know from personal experience that being an adult child of an aging parent can be a trying time, especially when you know that mom or dad should not be driving any longer. You inherently recognize when that time comes as you experience situations that point to the obvious. What we don't stop to think of is the harsh reality of the liability and value of the lives they put at risk when they lose command of their driving skills yet are still behind the wheel.

SafeWay's team of professionals know how to assess the situation and provide you an accurate feedback of your parents' current ability to drive a vehicle on today's roads. We will sensitively serve as the bearer of difficult news if we believe it is in your best interest to take the keys away and move to a more reasonable transportation solution. In our Senior Driver Assessment, we will also provide you an electronic file with our recommendations to share with family, physicians or any other outside counsel you may be seeking.

We want to work with you to make this a safe and happy transition in your parents' lives. Please contact us directly and let us know how we can make your special situation work for you and your family.

SafeWay Driving Centers