"Driver's Ed at Your Speed" SM

Everyone should have the right to drivers ed.

SafeWay Driving Centers has teamed up with Social Motion Skills, a renowned Social Behavior Learning Specialist organization, to offer a comprehensive special education driver’s program designed for individuals with:

  • High functioning autism spectrum diagnoses
  • Learning and processing differences

What’s the difference?

  • Two level course to ensure safe content mastery.
  •        Level One (Class & Simulator) followed by parent
           conference before passing to

           Level Two (In-car instruction)

  • Student/Teacher ratio: State Certified Driving Instructor AND a special education facilitator in each class. Class
    size limited to 10 students.
  • Modified Content (presentation and interpretation): State mandated content is presented in a clear, concise
    manner to accommodate retention, attention spans and learning differences.
  • 48 hours of class time: 2 hour classes meet 3 times/week over 8 weeks.
  • Simulator time for enhanced learning, assessment and preparation.
  • Interactive lessons include props for experiential learning.
  • Extra content is provided to address anxiety, advocacy and emergency situations.
  • Written permit exam preparation: Includes content instruction, tactics, and practice exams. The permit test is
    taken in the SafeWay Driving Center classroom.
  • Parents (with teacher input) decide if their child is ready for in-car instruction. ONLY THEN do in-car lessons begin.
  • 27 hours in-car instruction includes all critical day and night driving situations
  • DPS accommodations during the in-car exam are possible if arranged in advance.

  • Who is a candidate?

    Intellectually capable students (at least 15 years old) who need a slower pace of instruction, expanded explanation and support to safely master state requirements and driving demands.

    Why this approach?

    Another step towards independence is achieved while ensuring the safest possible program.


    This unique class cannot be compared to a minimum requirement class.

    Level 1 $1895
    Level 2 $1995

    Get Started Here!

    To Register or scheduling/program questions:

    Call Erik Knight at 713-468-1313 x 1001

    For content or Social Motion Skills questions:

    Call Wendy Dawson at 713-705-6851



    " Driver’s Ed at Your Speed made all the difference for our son. The teachers were so thorough and allowed time needed in a more concise way to make sure every step was understood and appreciated. Now our 16 year old son can gain another step toward independence and it’s because of the time and patience of the program. He is prepared."

    - Program graduate’s mom